Monday, April 2, 2012

Beethoven,Benny Goodman, and Billy Joel

Not the three B's we usually think of, when we think of music.

No for me, my three B's represent just a fraction of the kind of music that I love, and that has shaped me, since I was a child.  For I grew up in a household where all forms of music were heard, my father was a jazz musician who loved big band and classical music.  My mother loved show music and classical music.  My brother loved rock and roll.

So this is where my diversity comes from, as to the music... well let's start with Ludwig Von Beethoven, a man who composed some of the most dramatic music of his time and completed his final composition the 9th symphony totally deaf.  Beethoven drove people mad, with his false endings and yet also had some of the most emotional music, such as his Moonlight Sonata , or what is better known as, A Little Night Music,

Benny Goodman  Was a leader of what was called a big band, this was basically a jazz band just slightly smaller than a symphony orchestra, although some big bands were as large as symphonies.  Goodman, was a composer as well, and wrote some of the most amazing pieces ever danced to.

Billy Joel has always been one of my favorites, he has been able to jazz style ballads, classically inspired pieces. and powerful rock ballads.  Some of his music has reminded us of lost loves and feelings for our children.  He is perhaps one of the most amazing musicians to come out of the 1970's.

So here are my three B's.  Hope you enjoyed them.  Til tomorrow, when it will be C...


  1. Oh honey, you know I have as much a love of music that you do. Your 3 B's out of the Man Cave is a great choice for today.
    Love you,
    Your Wife

  2. Very nice! I am a piano player, and Beethoven is, and always has been a favorite. Of course, that would naturally lead to a love affair with Billy Joel's music as well. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Three incredibly talented gentlemen - well chosen! Dropping in from the A-Z Challenge! Cheers!
