Saturday, March 2, 2013

It's Saturday,and it's time for Saturday's Sanps.

Doing something a bit different today.

This is a photo recipe, one of my heart healthy recipes I have been meaning to share with all you wonderful people, and just have not got around to... until today.

So sit back relax and enjoy this photo recipe for heart healthy stuffed peppers Mark and Naila Moon style.

Start off with a can of your favorite Spaghetti sauce, we used Hunt's four cheese.  Hunts sauce is good and cheap, a dollar a can so you can buy in bulk.  

Once you pour in the sauce add five to six bell peppers of mixed colors if you can get them cheap enough.  Core the peppers and let them cook in the sauce for close to two hours, they will be nice and soft.

At the same time in A frying pan or skillet cook up a pound of Ground Turkey burger, season accordingly.  We usually use seasoned salt, because it is healthier than conventional salt.

While cooking the Turkey burger, prepare what ever rice you will use as a co stuffing agent.  You can get flavored rice on sale if you look.  We used Broccoli and cheese rice and prepared it according to instructions on the box.

Check your peppers now, if they are getting soft, it is time to stuff them.

Scoop a soup spoon full of Turkey burger and stuff the pepper then add the rice, repeat until each pepper is stuffed to the top.  

Let cool and serve.
And there you have it.  Heart Healthy Stuffed Pepper ala Mark and Naila Moon  Hope you enjoyed this change in pace, and will enjoy this recipe.

Til next Saturday, this is Mark signing off from the photo lab and kitchen.

Taa taa til next time we meet.


  1. Thanks for visiting me.
    I like your "cave", it's quite modern :) And I see you're cooking one of my fav. recipes. Mom's stuffed bell peppers are to die for :)

    Enjoy them and happy week end

  2. Well yes, that is truly different. I would try it, but I love peppers, but they don't like Dave or myself! I can feel my stomach rumbling now! Have a great weekend. See you Monday!

  3. Oh what a yummy post both literally and figuratively. Oh, and I suppose photographically too. LOL

    Good one honey.
    Great, now I am hungry!
