Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mondays' Music Moves Me. Have it your way

It's about food, so let's dig in.   Some tasty treats and some other surprises in this first one.  There are some yummy things here.

Just remember you deserve it your way,
Food, is what it's about
Hey it's Chicken in Paradise... Oh never mind...

Hope you enjoyed my food tribute.  Now the only problem, is I am hungry, maybe I can get it my way.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday's Music Moves Me. THE ME NOBODY KNOWS

In 1979 I was in the Manual High School production of THE ME NOBODY KNOWS, a play that premiered in 1970 where the words for all the music was written by students in the New York Public schools.

If you have never seen the play it is well worth it.  Here is some of the music from the musical.
How I Feel
Let me Come In
Rober,Allen,Wendel and JoJo

This World.

So this is some of the music from THE ME NOBODY KNOWS,  I hope this inspires you to either see this Musical or find the album or CD.

Til next time.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday. It's Frosty n Santa

I know the holidays are over, but I took these pictures of Frosty and Santa atop entry ways of two apartments near where we live and I just had to post them.

What?  Oh its' Santa and Frosty?  Ooops my bad.

Hope you enjoyed these.