Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dr Who, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobhe

The Doctor the Widow and the Wardrobe Doctor Who

For the past several years we have been treated to something unique in the Doctor Who legacy, an annual Christmas special.  This began with David Tennant, the tenth Doctor, and has continued since.

Every year each Christmas special has provided us with something unique and to some degree fitting.  That being til this year when we got "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe"  This sounded like a clever play off the Chronicles of Narnia."

With the exception of the title, there was little similarity to the original, worse still, for the first time in the past five years, this Christmas special had nothing at all to do with Christmas.

The story was confusing, drawn out and overall boring.  Yes I said it, boring.  Dr. Who may be many things, but boring it has not been in many years.

This episode felt like something that the writer felt forced to do, and really had no spark to it.  Which is sad, with Narnia as the basis, this could have been an amazing story, but instead it dragged, made the doctor seem a buffoon and made this viewer struggle to stay awake to the ending.

It is sad that we would get such a poorly executed episode when last years adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" was so powerful.

We can only hope that this next season of Doctor Who will be much better.

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