Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Special blog, for a special day

Normally, today is the day I post my Saturday Cereal, the weekly adventure I am writing currently.

However today is a very special day.for 45 years ago a very special person was born.  No, it wasn't Mark Harmon of NCIS, and it wasn't either.

No 45 years ago the most wonderful person in my life was born, that being my wife.  

It was a cold winter day in Nashville Tennessee, the year was    1968 Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States, a new television series called Laugh In premiered on NBC and the U.S. was getting drawn deeper into a war in Vietnam.   In the midst of this crazyness a child was born who would have impact on may peoples' lives, although she had no idea of this when she was born.
Eventually she would be raised in two communities in Missouri, a place called Farmington for the first part of her life,

 then she would eventually end up in an other small town called Festus.
Music was always part on her life, and when she was born this was some of the music that was popular.

She would live in Missouri the majority of her life, and would have two children a Daughter Natasha, who recently turned 25 and a son Joshua 23.

In 2008 this amazing woman, came to Colorado because she had fallen in love with me, because of my writing and photography.  In four months we were married by her daughter,

I  am thankful for Naila Moon being part of my life, we have grown as a couple and traveled to visit her family in Missouri and Arizona.

My wife is an amazing woman, and no matter where we end up living , whether it be Denver, Aurora, Las Vegas or Sedona she will continue to amaze me, and be a purfect person that will have the spirit of an adventurer and artist who can make people see the potential that hides with in.

1 comment:

  1. aww thanks honey. This was a very sweet post and I love you for it. Well, I love you anyway but it makes it that much nicer.
    ~Your wife
